Hey sis. Are you the woman who is always showing up for everyone else – except yourself? You’re constantly juggling the needs of your goals, your family, your career – and who has time for health or fitness, let alone hobbies, right?

It doesn’t have to be that way.

If you’re ready to work in your power, in your passion, and in your purpose, it’s time to rise.

It’s time to be a SHERO.

What is a SHERO?

A SHERO is YOU! She is someone who:

– Sets Strong boundaries
– Finds Inner Happiness
– Is Empowered to Say Yes to Herself
– Glows Up In Her Inner Radiance
– Discovers Her Original, Authentic Self

So, what is stopping you from making your “What If” into a “When I?”

Hi, it’s Pearl Chiarenza with Women’s Successful Living. The SHERO League is where you discover, align, and develop your SHERO within – alongside other SHEROs just like you!

The SHERO League is an amazing, safe space where you can let your hair down, ask the hard questions, get real answers, and have the support and accountability that have been the missing piece to your progress.

Stop draining your personal batteries flying down the Hot Mess Express – constantly feeling like you’re running on empty, and no amount of sleep on earth can get you to the point where you actually feel refreshed or energized in the morning.

The SHERO League gives you access to exclusive training (and trainers!) on topics like:

  • Peak performance and productivity
  • Health, wellness, and weight loss
  • Doing more of what brings you joy
  • Stopping toxic thinking patterns
I am enjoying my 30 days of Self Care. I joined for the accountability as I had begun a 90 journey in March & with everything going on with the pandemic, I needed more support & camaraderie.,

This time has been affirming, confirming & defining. I give thanks to God for the answer to my prayers. I am becoming more self confident & aware. #IAmWoke #IMatterToo

Thank you Pearl Knapp-Chiarenza. Its a little challenging to make the nightly lives, but I appreciate the recorded features.

My mission is to release the SHERO in women around the world!

From the moment you join the SHERO League, you are immersed in a supportive community of other women just like you, who are dedicated to growing, learning, and living out the freedom you have when you’re no longer chained to your to-do list and can embrace living in the moment.

I’ve never taken a class that was just for me and my outlook on self care. I was so eager to dig in and boy was I surprised and so happy with the challenges presented.

I needed to explore some of my deep feelings, think about the hard stuff and write things down.

I would tell you if you are thinking of taking this class, it is well worth the money!!!

You won’t be disappointed. 🥰

Jackie C.

Help Me Be a SHERO of My Self-Care Summit


One time payment 

women's empowerment be ensured

Learning Why You Need To Put Yourself First

12 noon – 3pm Eastern Time

  • Stop getting in the way of yourself!
  • Tools to put yourself first without neglecting your loved ones or your professional commitments.
  • Establishing Priorities
  • Learning the benefits of meditation for our self-care and the importance of the breath!

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Here’s how the magic works.

Each Sunday, you get a session from one of our guest trainers, plus a Q/A to help you take action and implement something this week. The goal isn’t just to log in for another webinar – it’s to receive and then take action to constantly move the needle forward in your life.

Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve already achieved a lot in your life but can’t figure out how to consistently create the results you want in one area, without feeling like everything falls apart elsewhere.
  • You’re an expert in your strengths, but feel overwhelmed and honestly, inadequate when it comes to replacing your bad habits.
  • ​You want to take back your time and freedom by creating your ideal life but are struggling to go from a general plan to specific action steps and execution.
  • ​You crave to be more self-disciplined about your sleep, nutrition, health, and growth, but you are intimidated by how quickly (and easily) you fall off track.
  • ​You know you need to make changes, but you feel like you wouldn’t even know where to get started.

If the statements above describe YOU….then it’s time to become BULLETPROOF!

About Coach Pearl

“You are always talking about being a mom or a wife, but I never hear what your dreams or goals are.”

Those words from a friend were the wake-up call I needed. It was my ‘line in the sand’ moment.

Do you know where that phrase originated? It was coined at the Alamo, in San Antonio, Texas, in 1836, when William Travis drew a line in the sand with his sword. The situation was dire – it was literally surrender to General Santa Ana’s army, or die fighting. Whoever was willing to stay, knowing it likely meant their death, Travis invited to step over the line and to his side.

My line in the sand was not to the death – but I knew if I continued to ignore my health and ignore my stressors, it very well could be. I knew I needed to claim my true identity, the SHERO inside me. I needed to drastically improve my health and wellness. And I also wanted to go after my dreams, achieve my goals, and live authentically, free from guilt and shame.

Ten years ago, I became a Mental Fitness Life Coach, published author, speaker, and health and wellness expert because I wanted to not only live my ideal life but become the person I needed in my darkest moments – so I can be that person, for others.

And that perfectly describes the ripple effect of the SHERO League and Method – when you become a SHERO, you inspire other women to become one.